Anastasia: The Musical is a captivating journey of self-discovery and adventure inspired by the legend of the lost Russian princess. Set against the backdrop of the Russian Revolution and 1920s Paris, the story follows Anya, a young woman with amnesia, as she uncovers her true identity. The musical features a rich score by Lynn Ahrens and Stephen Flaherty (Ragtime, Once on this Island), including beloved songs like “Journey to the Past” and “Once Upon a December.” With a mix of historical and fictional elements, the show explores themes of memory, belonging, and the search for family. Anastasia: The Musical is a visually stunning and emotionally resonant production that enchants audiences of all ages.
New England Regional Premiere, produced in partnership with Fulton Theatre.
Book by Terrence McNally
Music by Stephen Flaherty
Lyrics by Lynn Ahrens
Inspired by the Twentieth Century Fox Motion Pictures by special arrangement with Buena Vista Theatrical
From the play by Marcelle Maurette as adapted by Guy Bolton